
Model: BMX – ” Orion”

Made in: Serbia

Year: 1990s

Frame: Steel

Concept: Warmachine – Military-style bike

Author: Marko Stamatović

Ovaj bicikl je jedan od retkih modela koji su sklapani i proizvođeni u Kragujevcu,  centru automobilske industrije ali  i vojne industrije u Srbiji . Njegov čvrsti čelični ram i ne toliko fina završna obrada su bili savršeni za ovaj koncept vojnog bicikla. Ideja ovog koncepta je bila stvaranje jednog gotovo stripovskog vozila, nalik vozilima iz stripova ” Kapetan Amerika” i ” G.I. Joe” ali sa detaljima tradicionalne srpske vojske!

* This bicycle is one of the rare models that were assembled and produced in Kragujevac, the center of the automobile industry, but also the weapon industry in Serbia. Its solid steel frame and not-so-fine finish were perfect for this military bike concept. The idea of this concept was to create an almost comic-book vehicle, similar to the vehicles from the comics “Captain America” and “GI Joe”, but with details of the traditional Serbian army!