Photographer: Marko Stamatović
Location: Serbia
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Lens: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art, Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art, Canon EF 135mm f/2L
” 20 Cola – Ljubav do bola” je umetnički projekat studija Marka Stamatovića koji u svojoj srži ima sećanje na neke mirnije i spokojnije dane na tako dalekih 60-ih, 70-ih, 80-ih godina prošlog veka na teritoriji stare Yugoslavije. “20 Cola ” je projekat restauracije najomiljenijih bicikala iz tog vremena koji imaju posebna mesta u srcima svih onih koji su odrastali na teritoriji stare SFRJ. Krajnji rezultat ovog poduhvata će biti velika izložba fotografija rekonstruisanih scena iz života koje su imale ove bicikle kao glavne motive. Ovoga puta vam predstavljamo jedan mali bicikl iz Engleske koji je svojim duhom i izgledom mamio uzdahe i poglede klinaca sa ovih prostora! Predstavljamo vam Releigh Tomahawk ( proizvodjen od 1970 – 1977).
* “20 Cola( 20 Inches) – Love to the Bone” is an art project of Marko Stamatovic’s studio, which at its core has a remembrance of some peaceful and tranquil days in not so distant 60s, 70s, 80s of the last century in the territory of old Yugoslavia. “20 Cola” is a project of restoration of the most favorite bikes from that era, which have special places in the hearts of all those who grew up in the territory of the old SFRY. The ultimate result of this venture will be a large exhibition of photographs of reconstructed life scenes that had these bikes as the main motives. This time we are presenting you a small bike from England who, with his spirit and looks, lured the sighs and the views of all the kids from that time! We present you the Releigh Tomahawk (produced from 1970 – 1977).