Lazar Stanojević
Rođen 9. decembra 1993. u Kragujevcu. Završio Srednju umetničku školu, odsek za rezbare -umetnike za drvo. Trenutno živi u Kragujevcu kao apsolvent na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu, odsek za grafički dizajn. Umetnost je počeo da voli još od detinjstva, a aktivno se bavi kaligrafijom,fotografijom, izradom maski i kostima, itd. Iako voli fotografiju, ozbiljnije je počeo da se bavi sa 19 godina. Kaligrafiju uči od srednje škole i poslednjih devet godina vežba majstorsku veštinu.
Sada radi kao instruktor kaligrafije u Omnipix Workshop Lab-u i kao glavni asistent za odeljenje kostimografije i fotografije u studiju " Marko Stamatović."
* Born on 9th of December, 1993 in Kragujevac. Graduated from the Middle School of Art, department for wood carver-art engraver. Currently lives in Kragujevac as a senior year student at the Faculty of Philology and Art, Department for Graphic Design. He started loving art ever since his childhood days, and is actively engaged in calligraphy, photography, making masks and costumes, etc.. Even though he likes photography, he started taking it more seriously at the age of 19. He has been learning calligraphy since the middle school and for the last nine years he is practicing the penmanship skill.
Now works as a calligraphy instructor at the Omnipix Workshop Lab, and as an head assistant for costumography and photography department of Marko Stamatović Studios.