Bojan Todorović
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Rođen 31. Maja 1982. godine u Kragujevcu gde završava I Drugu tehničku školu , odsek za Mašinstvo sa zvanjem diplomiranog mašinskog tehničara.
Večiti zaljubljenik u mehaniku I umetnost pošinje da se interesuje za štampu, mehaniku i stare zanate. Kao takav jako brzo postaje stručnjak za motorcikle i kroz ljubav prema njima dolazi u dodir sa umetnošču tetoviranja . Posle dugog niza godina rada u svom Tatoo salonu “KG Ink” kao logičan slet stvari dolazi I interesovanje za umetničku obradu kože I izradu unikatnih predmeta od iste. Za jako kratko vreme svojim radom se izborio za mesto među najboljim majstorima u zemlji dok se njegovi proizvodi mogu naći po celom svetu. Trenutno živi I radi u Kragujevcu u porodičnoj zanatskoj radnji u kojoj zajedno sa svojom suprugom izrađuje jedinstvene unikatne predmete od kože svetskog kvaliteta pod brendom “ By Bodži”.
Born on May 31, 1982 in Kragujevac, where he graduated from the Second Technical School, Department of Mechanical Engineering with the title of graduate mechanical technician.
An eternal lover of mechanics and art, he began to be interested in printing, mechanics and old crafts. As such, he very quickly became an expert on motorcycles and through his love for them came into contact with the art of tattooing. After a long series of years of work in his Tatoo salon "KG Ink", as a logical set of things, there is an interest in artistic leather processing and making unique items from it. In a very short time, with his work, he fought for a place among the best masters in the country, while his products can be found all over the world. He currently lives and works in Kragujevac in a family craft shop where, together with his wife, he makes unique unique world-class leather items under the "By Bodži" brand.