Model: Pony
Made in: SFRJ ( Slovenia)
Year: 1969
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
1969. godine Rog je dnevno radio 700 bicikla i pokrivao 57% jugoslovenskog tržišta, gde je imao model Poni 43% udeo. Za strano tržište Poniji su imali i brzine na zadnjem lančaniku (zadnji menjač), pa čak i prednje i zadnje amortizere (Poni Konfort), dok je na domaćem tržištu bio Poni 1 i Poni 2 – oba bez brzina. Poni 1 je imao hromirani zadnji gepek sa debelim žicama, dok je Poni 2 imao poslednju viljušku vezanu sa zadnjim gepekom.
Prelepi bicikl iz davne 1969. godine je poklon muzeju od strane gospođe Mirjane Lazić ( devojačko Dragićević), profesora matematike na Prirodno Matematičkog Fakulteta u Kragujevcu. Ovaj beli Pony 2 je bio vlasništvo njenih roditelja , Mihaila i Natalije Dragićević, takođe prosvetnih radnika koji su ga koristili i jako lepo očuvali.. Ovakvi eksponati su sama suština našeg muzeja, a to je očuvanje vaših mladalačkih uspomena, i nama je velika čast što nam je porodica Dragićević dala na čuvanje ovu divnu uspomenu!
* In 1969, Rog made 700 bicycles a day and covered 57% of the Yugoslav market, where the Pony model had a 43% share. For the foreign market, the Ponies also had gears on the rear sprocket (rear gearbox), and even front and rear shock absorbers (Pony Comfort), while on the domestic market there were Pony 1 and Pony 2 – both without gears. The Pony 1 had a chrome rear trunk with thick strings, while the Pony 2 had a rear fork tied to the rear trunk.
The beautiful bicycle from 1969 was a gift to the museum by Mrs. Mirjana Lazić ( ex Dragićević), professor of mathematics at the Natural Mathematical University in Kragujevac. This white Pony 2 was the property of her parents, Mihailo and Natalija Dragićević, also educators who used it and preserved it very nicely. The Dragicevic family gave us this wonderful memory to keep!