Model: KTM Torina TS
Made in: Austria
Year: 1970s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 28″
Jedan od kultnih gradskih bicikala proizvedenih u Austriji, KTM Torina TS je prelepi bicikl sa točkovima od 28 cola i glavom sa tri brzine u zadnjem točku. Ovaj model iako iz 70ih godina prošlog veka i dalje pleni svojim laganim i tananim ramom i odličnom završnom obradom. Još jedan od onih eksponata u našoj kolekciji koji su odgovorni za mnoge srećne trenutke i prelepa vremena provedena uz ovaj bicikl.
* One of the cult city bikes produced in Austria, the KTM Torina TS is a beautiful bike with 28-inch wheels and a three-speed head at the rear wheel. This model, although from the 70s of the last century, still captivates with its light and thin frame and excellent finishing. Another one of those exhibits in our collection that are responsible for many happy moments and beautiful times spent with this bike.