Model: Vintage dolls
Company: Biserka Zagreb, Jugoplastika, Peyo
Year: 1960s – 1980s
Location: Yugoslavia
Materials: Rubber
Size: Various sizes
Ove igračke su nešto što je svaka kuća i svako malo dete imalo u svom posedu. Od bezopasnih šumskih životinja do crtanih junaka iz Diznijevih filmova, ove gumene igračke su svojom nekad prostom izradom a nekad i prelepim ručno bojenim detaljima zauzimale posebno mesto u srcima kolekcionara i ljubitelja igračaka. Od svih proizvođača , na ovim prostorima su se najviše isticali Biserka iz Zagreba ( Hrvatska ) kao i jedna u to vreme najvećih kompanija za obradu gume i plastike Jugoplastika. Svojom masovnošću i prelepim modelovanjem samih figura, ove simpatične igračke su postale jedan od zaštitnih znakova Yugoslovenske industrije igračaka.
* These toys are something that every house and every small child had in their possession. From harmless forest animals to cartoon characters from Disney movies, these rubber toys, with their sometimes simple production and sometimes beautiful hand-painted details, have occupied a special place in the hearts of collectors and toy lovers. Of all the manufacturers, Biserka from Zagreb (Croatia) stood out the most in this area, as well as one of the largest rubber and plastic processing companies at the time, Jugoplastika. With their massiveness and beautiful modeling of the figures themselves, these cute toys have become one of the trademarks of the Yugoslav toy industry.