Model: Puppets
Company: Warner bros
Year: 1990s
Materials: Plastic, plush & Rubber
Size: Various sizes
Type: pupets, plush dolls
Gremlini su američka crnohumorna komedija- horor film iz 1984. u režiji Džoa Dantea, po scenariju Krisa Kolumba, sa Zakom Galigenom, Fibi Kejts, Hojtom Ekston, Poli Holidej i Frensis Li Mekejn, a Haui Mendel daje glas Gizma, glavnog mogvaja. karaktera. Oslanja se na legende o folklornim nestašnim stvorenjima koja uzrokuju kvarove — „gremline“ — u britanskom kraljevskom vazduhoplovstvu još od Drugog svetskog rata. Priča prati mladića koji prima čudno stvorenje kao kućnog ljubimca, koje potom rađa druga stvorenja koja se pretvaraju u mala, destruktivna, nestašna čudovišta koja na Badnje veče izazivaju pustoš u celom gradu.Film je bio centar velikih komercijalnih kampanja i opredeljivao se za crnu komediju, u ravnoteži sa božićnim ambijentom. Stiven Spilberg je bio izvršni producent filma, a film je producirao Majkl Finel.
Gremlini su doživeli svoju bioskopsku premijeru 8. juna 1984. godine od strane Warner Bros.-a do kritičnog i komercijalnog uspeha. Međutim, žestoko je kritikovan zbog nekih od njegovih nasilnijih sekvenci. Kao odgovor na ovo i slične pritužbe na Indijanu Džonsa i “Hram propasti”, Spilberg je predložio da Američko udruženje za filmske filmove (MPAA) promeni svoj sistem ocenjivanja, što je i uradilo u roku od dva meseca od objavljivanja filma, stvarajući novu PG- 13 ocenu. Usledio je nastavak, Gremlini 2: Nova grupa, 1990. godine, koji ima satiričniji ton i parodira holivudske nastavke, doživeo je veliki komercijalni uspeh!
Gremlins is a 1984 American black comedy horror film directed by Joe Dante, written by Chris Columbus, and starring Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates, Hoyt Axton, Polly Holliday, and Frances Lee McCain, with Howie Mandel providing the voice of Gizmo, the main mogwai character. It draws on legends of folkloric mischievous creatures that cause malfunctions—”gremlins”—in the British Royal Air Force going back to World War II. The story follows a young man who receives a strange creature as a pet, which then spawns other creatures who transform into small, destructive, mischievous monsters that all wreak havoc on a whole town on Christmas Eve.[2]
The film was the center of large merchandising campaigns and opts for black comedy, balanced against a Christmastime setting. Steven Spielberg was the film’s executive producer, with the film being produced by Michael Finnell.
Gremlins was theatrically released on June 8, 1984 by Warner Bros. to critical and commercial success. However, it was heavily criticized for some of its more violent sequences. In response to this and to similar complaints about Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Spielberg suggested that the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) alter its rating system, which it did within two months of the film’s release, creating a new PG-13 rating.[3][a] It was followed by a sequel, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, in 1990, which has a more satirical tone and parodies Hollywood sequels, to generally positive reviews from critics, but was a box-office bomb.