Exhibition: Bikes, Toys & Robots
Location: ” House of Đura Jakšić” gallery, Serbia
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Lens: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art, Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art, Canon EF 135mm f/2L
Izložba Bikes, Toys & Robots je naš način da zajedno sa vama obeležimo dve pune godine postojanja našeg malog Muzeja bicikala i pop kulture „20 Cola“-a pune četiri godine truda i rada na tom jedinstvenom projektu iza koga stoji puno ljubavi i jedna iskrena ideja.Da se ljudima vrate najlepše i najsrećnije uspomene iz mladosti makar i na trenutak, a da se mlađim generacijama pokaže život i interesovanja klinaca pre ere digitalizacije i mobilnih telefona u svoj svojoj lepoti. Baš iz tih razloga, tema ove naše izložbe jeste dečji svet, svet tricikala, limenih igračaka, plišanih medveda i naravno nezaobilaznih robota. Na ovoj izložbi možete videti eksponate iz perioda od 20-ih do kraja 70-ih godina prošlog veka i to iz svih krajeva sveta, Japana, SAD, Kine, Rusije, Nemačke, Francuske, Mađarske, Grčke, Indije, Italije i omiljene Jugoslavije. Želimo vam bezbrižan put u najsrećnije doba vaših života i to za vreme najlepših praznika!
The Bikes, Toys & Robots exhibition is our way to celebrate with you two full years of the existence of our small Museum of Bikes and Pop Culture “20 Cola”, four years of effort and work on that unique project behind which there is a lot of love and one sincere idea. To bring back to people the most beautiful and happiest memories from their youth, even for a moment, and to show younger generations the life and interests of children before the era of digitization and mobile phones in all their beauty. Precisely for these reasons, the theme of our exhibition is the children’s world, the world of tricycles, tin toys, teddy bears, and, of course, unavoidable robots. At this exhibition, you can see exhibits from the period from the 20s to the end of the 70s of the last century and from all over the world, Japan, the USA, China, Russia, Germany, France, Hungary, Greece, India, Italy, and beloved Yugoslavia. We wish you a carefree trip to the happiest time of your life and during the most beautiful holidays!