Model: Plastic Cars & Vehicles
Company: Mehanotehnika Izola, Biserka Zagreb, Jugoplastika …
Year: 1960s – 1980s
Location: Yugoslavia
Materials: Plastic & Rubber
Size: Various sizes
Autić , kolica ili bilo kakva vozila na točkovima su bila osnovna jedinica dečačke zabave kroz modernu istoriju ljuskog roda. Najveća ekspanzija ovih omiljenih igračaka se desila tokom 20. veka kada je plastika uzela primat u proizvodnji istih. Na prostorima stare Yugoslavije postojalo je nekoliko kompanija koje su proizvodile igračke automobila i drugih prevoznih sredstava dok je među njima najpoznatija bila slovenačka “Mehanotehnika” Izola. Ova kompanija je svoje proizvode pravla i u kooperacijama sa nekim veoma poznatim kompanijama za proizvodnju igračaka kao što je nemačka fabrika igračaka Schuco. U ovoj kooperaciji su nastale neke od najkvalitetnijih i najkolektabilnijih modela igračaka u eri SFRJ što je Yugoslovenskoj proizvodnji igračaka otvorilo vrata na tržišta po celom svetu . Mehanotehnika je bila poznata i po svojim ” Dirkalnim stazama” i automobilima na baterije. U ovoj galeriji ćete imati prilike da vidite sve eksponate iz celog sveta koji su bili jako popularni među klincima sa ovih prostora tokom 20. veka.
* A toy car, chariots, or any kind of wheeled vehicle was the basic unit of boy’s entertainment throughout the modern history of the human race. The biggest expansion of these favorite toys happened during the 20th century when plastics took precedence in their production. In the former Yugoslavia, there were several companies that produced toy cars and other means of transport, while the most famous among them was the Slovenian “Mehanotehnika” Izola. This company also made their products in cooperation with some very well-known toy companies such as the German toy factory Schuco. In this cooperation, some of the highest quality and most collectible models of toy cars in the SFRY era, which opened the doors to international markets all over the world for Yugoslav toy production. “Mehanotehnika” was also known for its “Race Tracks” and battery-powered toy cars. In this gallery, you will have the opportunity to see all the models from around the world that were very popular among kids from this area during the 20th century.