Model: Veterok DKV-2
Made in: USSR
Year: 1950s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 16″
Ovaj bicikl je sam po sebi jedan od ikona ruskog uticaja na tadašnju SFRJ. Skoro svaka kuća koja je mogla da priušti bicikl je imala jedan od ova dva modela, klasičan sa dva točka i tricikl koji je mogao uz par prostih operacija da postane i dvotočkaš. Veterok je bicikl koji se proizvodio sa kraja 40ih i početkom 1950ih u malom gradu Molodečno u regiji Minska, delom tadašnjeg Sovjetskog Saveza a sada Beloruske države. Vremešni bicikl sa točkovima od 16 ” i guma od punog materijala i dalje budi neke od najradosnijih uspomena na neka stara dobra vremena!
* This bicycle is in itself one of the icons of Russian influence on the former SFRY. Almost every house that could afford a bicycle had one of these two models, a classic one with two wheels and a tricycle that could become a two-wheeler with a couple of simple operations. Veterok is a bicycle that was produced from the late 40s and early 1950s in the small town of Molodechno in the Minsk region, part of the then Soviet Union and now the Belarusian state. This vintage bike with 16 ” wheels size and a tire made of solid material still evokes some of the happiest memories of some good old days!