Model: Universal Tyler
Made in: Poland
Year: 1960s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size : 20″
Pored domaćih bicikala koji su se vozili na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije, veliki broj stranih proizvođača i njihovih bicikala je bilo prisutno sa svojim modelima. Jedan od jako čestih bicikala koji se mogu naći na ovim prostorima su i bicikli Universal, poljske proizvodnje. Ovi bicikli se odlikuju jako lepim ramovima sa čuvenim ” Perajima”, štitnicima i okrasima na ramu koji su bili specifični za vreme 50ih i 60ih godina prošlog veka. Ovaj bicikl koji vidite na slikama je prvi model koji je restauriran i povod celog ovog našeg malog muzeja! Nosi ime ” Ilija” po dečaku za kojeg je i sređivan.
* In addition to domestic bicycles that were ridden on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, a large number of foreign manufacturers and their bicycles were present with their models. One of the very common bicycles that can be found in this area is Universal bicycles, made in Poland. These bikes are characterized by very beautiful frames with the famous “Fins”, protectors and decorations on the frame that were specified during the 50s and 60s of the last century. This bike you see in the pictures is the first model to be restored and the main reason for the idea of a little museum of ours! He is named “Ilija” after the boy for whom he was restaurated.