Model: UNIS Bmx
Made in: Yugoslavia
Year: 1980s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Kada je 80ih godina BMX bicikl dobio na ogromnoj popularnosti u svetu kao jedan od prvih akrobatskih bicikala na kome su klinci izvodili različite vratolomije a te vratolomije bile ovekovečene i na velikom platnu u nekim od najpopularnijim filmovima tog vremena kao što su ” BMX Banditi” , proizvođači bicikala u SFRJ su shvatili da je vreme da i oni izbace svoje modele ovog bicikla. Posle velikog uspeha ROG-ovog BMX bicikla u obe varijante, u istom vremenskom periodu i Sarajevski UNIS izbacuje svoj model BMX bicikla. Ovaj bicilk je postao dosta rasprostranjen na teritoriji stare Jugoslavije i bio je jedan od najprodavanijih domaćih modela. Pored UNIS-a i ROG-a , i Subotički FBP je imao svoj uspešan model BMX bicikla!
* When the BMX bike gained huge global popularity in the ’80s as one of the first acrobatic bikes on which kids performed various stunts and those stunts were immortalized on the big screen in some of the most popular movies of the time such as “BMX Bandits”, the manufacturers’ bicycles in the SFRY realized that it was time for them to release their models of this bicycle. After the great success of ROG’s BMX bike in both variants, in the same period of time, Sarajevo’s UNIS is releasing its model of BMX bike. This bicycle became quite widespread on the territory of the old Yugoslavia and was one of the best-selling domestic models. In addition to UNIS and ROG, the Subotica FBP also had its own successful model of a BMX bike!