Model: Various tabletop games Company: Mehanotehnika, Jugoplastika, Biserka , etc! Year: 1960s-90s Type: sports, strategy, and RPG games
Stoni fudbal, stona košarka, Riziko, Dungeons and Dragons, Tombola, Monopol i ostale igre oko kojih su se skupljale generacije klinaca i provodile dane i noći zabavljajući se . Ove igre su u vreme kada internet nije bio opcija, predstavljale izvor nepresušne zabave i druženja, nezaboravno zajedničko vreme sa porodicom i prijateljima. Valjda su zbog tih trenutaka i zauzele jedno važno mesto u odrastanju i sećanjima velikog broja mladih ljudi svih vremenskih razdoblja!
* Tabletop football, tabletop basketball, Risk, Dungeons and Dragons, Bingo, Monopoly, and other tabletop games around which generations of kids gathered and spent days and nights having fun. At a time when the Internet was not an option, these games were a source of inexhaustible fun and socializing, an unforgettable time together with family and friends. Probably because of those moments, they took an important place in growing up and in the memories of a large number of young people of all times!