Model: Sportlux
Made in: USSR
Year: 1990s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 12″
Imamo to zadovoljstvo da vam pokažemo jedan na našim prostorima jako redak model dečijeg bicikla. Iako je proizveden u Rusiji, iz nekog razloga ne pojavljuje se tako često na ovim prostorima. U pitanju je SportLux dečiji bicikl veoma atraktivnog izgleda, čija forma neodoljivo podseća na čuvene čoper bicikle nalik Schwinn i Bonanza biciklima. Jako proste mehanike i sa punim gumama , ovaj mališan i dalje pleni poglede i uzdahe!
* We have the pleasure to show you one very rare model of a children’s bicycle. Although it is produced in Russia, for some reason it does not appear so often in this region. It is a SportLux kid’s bike with a very attractive look, whose shape is irresistibly reminiscent of the famous chopper bikes similar to Schwinn and Bonanza bikes. Very simple mechanics and with full material tyres, this little mean machine still catches few looks and sighs!