Model: Rog ” Adriatic”
Made in: Yugoslavia ( Slovenia)
Year: 1980s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Još jedan od modela kompanije ROG i popularnog Pony bicikla. Ovoga puta vam predstavljamo malo mlađi model iz 80ih godina prošlog veka a to je Pony ” Adriatic”.
Ovaj bicikl je donacija Mirjane Stamatović, devojačkog prezimena Ratković u trenutku kada je vozila ovaj bicikl. Poklon roditelja za nju i njenog brata za početak petog razreda osnovne škole. Dugo godina stojao na potkrovlju njene porodične kuće sve do leta 2019. godine kada je pronađen i donešen u muzej. Posle restauracije vraćen mu je stari sjaj i sada ovaj lepotan čini stalnu postavku našeg muzeja!
Ovaj bicikl je donacija Mirjane Stamatović, devojačkog prezimena Ratković u trenutku kada je vozila ovaj bicikl. Poklon roditelja za nju i njenog brata za početak petog razreda osnovne škole. Dugo godina stojao na potkrovlju njene porodične kuće sve do leta 2019. godine kada je pronađen i donešen u muzej. Posle restauracije vraćen mu je stari sjaj i sada ovaj lepotan čini stalnu postavku našeg muzeja!
* Another model from ROG and the popular Pony bike. This time we present you a slightly younger model from the 80s and that is the Pony “Adriatic”.
This bicycle was donated by Mirjana Stamatović, ex Ratković at the time when she was riding this bicycle. A gift from her parents for her and her brother for the beginning of the fifth grade of elementary school. He stood in the attic of her family house for many years until the summer of 2019, when he was found and brought to the museum. After the restoration, its old shine was restored and now this beauty makes a permanent exhibition of our museum!
This bicycle was donated by Mirjana Stamatović, ex Ratković at the time when she was riding this bicycle. A gift from her parents for her and her brother for the beginning of the fifth grade of elementary school. He stood in the attic of her family house for many years until the summer of 2019, when he was found and brought to the museum. After the restoration, its old shine was restored and now this beauty makes a permanent exhibition of our museum!