Model: Various robot toys & action figures
Company: Hasbro, Takara, Mattel, etc!
Year: 1950s-90s
Type: Mechanical and battery-operated
Najbolji prijatelji svih dečaka! Ova sekcija sadrži neke od najomiljenijih igračaka klinaca svih generacija. Roboti igračke su se tokom godina razvijale i evoluirale od klasičnih limenih igračaka do vrlo sofisticiranih i pametnih igračaka. Veruje se da je prvi limeni robot igračaka koji je napravljen bio robot Lilliput iz Japana. Smatralo se da kvadratni, žuti robot datira iz 1930-ih, ali stručnjaci sada veruju da je on prvi put napravljen u posleratnom okupiranom Japanu oko sredine 1940-ih. Sledeći robot koji je objavljen bio e Atomic Robot Man krajem 1940-ih. Uručen je kao promotivni poklon na Njujorškoj naučno-fantastičnoj konvenciji 1950.
* Best buddies of all boys! This section contains some of the most beloved toys of kids of all generations. Toy robots evolved over the years from classic tin toys to very sophisticated and smart toys. It is believed that the first tin toy robot that was made was the Lilliput robot from Japan. The square, yellow robot was thought to date from the 1930s, but experts now believe it was first made in post-war occupied Japan around the mid-1940s. The next robot to be released was the Atomic Robot Man in the late 1940s. It was presented as a promotional gift at the 1950 New York Science Fiction Convention.