Model: Plush toys
Company: Various manufacturers
Year: 1930s-90s
Type: Simple, mechanical, and battery-operated
Najbolji prijatelji i nezamenljivi saputnici dece svih generacija. Možda i najomiljeniji tip igračke ikad, nezaboravni komadi koji se ljubomorno čuvaju ceo život i nasleđuju sa kolena na koleno! Meda je plišana igračka u obliku medveda. Očigledno istovremeno razvijen od proizvođača igrača Morrisa Michtoma u SAD-u i Richard Steiff-a u Nemačkoj u ranim godinama 20. veka, i nazvan po predsedniku Theodore-u “Teddi” Roosevelt-u, meda je postao popularna dečija igračka, slavljena u priči, pesmi i na filmu. Od stvaranja prvih plišanih medvedića koji su želeli da oponašaju oblik pravih medvedića, „plišani“ su se veoma razlikovali u obliku, stilu, boji i materijalu. Postali su kolekcionarski predmeti, a stariji i ređi „meda“ pojavljuju se na javnim aukcijama. Medvedići su među najpopularnijim poklonima za djecu i često se daju odraslima u znak ljubavi, naklonosti, čestitki ili saosećanja.
* Best friends and irreplaceable companions of children of all generations. Perhaps the most favorite type of toy ever, unforgettable pieces that are jealously guarded for life and inherited from generation to generation! A teddy bear is a stuffed toy in the form of a bear. Developed apparently simultaneously by toymakers Morris Michtom in the U.S. and Richard Steiff in Germany in the early years of the 20th century, and named after President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, the teddy bear became a popular children’s toy, celebrated in story, song, and film.[1] Since the creation of the first teddy bears which sought to imitate the form of real bear cubs, “teddies” have greatly varied in form, style, color, and material. They have become collector’s items, with older and rarer “teddies” appearing at public auctions.[2] Teddy bears are among the most popular gifts for children and are often given to adults to signify love, affection, congratulations, or sympathy