
Model: All kind

Company: Mehanotehnika, Jugoplastika, Biserka , etc!

Year: 1960s-90s

Type: Various types of toys

U ovom albumu možete naći igračke koje su bile u posedu dečaka i devojčica iz našeg komšiluka! Ovo su donacije nekadašnjih klinaca koji su se sa ovim igračkama igrali i zabavljali, onda ih davali svojoj deci a sada kada su ih i ona prerasla odlučili da je vreme da se sadašnji klinci upoznaju sa njihovim omiljenim predmetima. A to je naš posao ! Uživajte ! 🙂

In this album, you can find toys that were in the possession of boys and girls from our neighborhood! These are donations from former kids who played and had fun with these toys, then gave them to their children, and now when they have outgrown them, they have decided that it is time for the nowadays kids to get acquainted with their favorite items. And that is our job! Enjoy! 🙂