Model: Lowrider Bicycle
Made in: USA
Year: 1960s – 1990s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Predstavljamo vam ikonu amrečkih ulica, čuveni Lowrider!!! Lowrider bicikl je visoko prilagođeni bicikl sa stilom inspirisanim lovrider automobilima. [1] Ovi bicikli često imaju dugačko, zakrivljeno banana sedište sa visokim držačem sedišta tzv sissybar i vrlo visokim upravljačem. Mnogo hroma, somota i točkova sa čak 72 žice uobičajena su oprema za ove custom bicikle. Lowrider bicikli su se prvi put pojavili 1960-ih u Kaliforniji. Deca bi sređivala svoje bicikle po ugledu na izgled poznatih spuštenih automobila zvanih Lowrider muscle cars ! Taj bicikl je za one koji su bili premladi da se voze svoje automobile! Švin( Schwinn) je prva kompanija koja je lansirala čoper bicikl 1963. godine , u vidu Schwinn Sting – Rai-a. Lowrider bicikle su ponovo postle jako popularne u 90-im godinama prošlog veka. Polazeći od ove nove popularnosti, časopis ′′ Lovrider Bicycle Magazin ′′ počeo je da izlazi 1993. godine.
* We present to you an a ikon of American streets! ?
A lowrider bicycle is a highly customized bicycle with styling inspired by lowrider cars.These bikes often feature a long, curved banana seat with a sissy bar and very tall upward-swept ape hanger handlebars. A lot of chrome, velvet, and overspoked wheels are common accessories to these custom bicycles.
Lowrider bikes first appeared in the 1960s in California. Children would emulate the craft of lowrider cars with their bicycles as a canvas for creativity, usually starting with common muscle bikes. This allowed those who were too young to drive a car to have a custom vehicle. In 1963, Schwinn was the first company to launch a muscle bike, in the form of the Schwinn Sting-Ray. Lowrider bicycles had a resurgence of popularity the 90s, as lowrider bicycle competition at lowrider shows started to become intense, as a result of the increased popularity, classic Schwinns became far more scarce as well as more expensive. Stemming from this new popularity a magazine titled ‘Lowrider Bicycle Magazine’ started publication in 1993.
Lowrider bikes first appeared in the 1960s in California. Children would emulate the craft of lowrider cars with their bicycles as a canvas for creativity, usually starting with common muscle bikes. This allowed those who were too young to drive a car to have a custom vehicle. In 1963, Schwinn was the first company to launch a muscle bike, in the form of the Schwinn Sting-Ray. Lowrider bicycles had a resurgence of popularity the 90s, as lowrider bicycle competition at lowrider shows started to become intense, as a result of the increased popularity, classic Schwinns became far more scarce as well as more expensive. Stemming from this new popularity a magazine titled ‘Lowrider Bicycle Magazine’ started publication in 1993.