Model: ITERA
Made in: Sweden
Year: 1980s
Frame: Plastic composite
Wheel size: 26″
Ovaj bicikl je jedan od najređih modela koje ovaj muzej poseduje! U pitanju je čuvena ITERA , projekat švedskih dizajnera. Ovaj bicikl je eksperiment tj pokušaj dizajnerskog tima iz kompanije VOLVO tokom druge polovine 70ih godina prošlog veka da osvoje proizvodnju bicikla koji bi bio kompletno od plastike, procesom brizganja plastike pomoću modula za brizganje tj. kalupa. Proizvodio se od 1980e do prve polovine 1983 kada je i prestala proizvodnja zbog lošeg kvaliteta i čestih lomova. Oko 30000 bicikala koji su ostali nakon prekida proizvodnje prodati su Karibima , čija klima je bila jaku surova prema svemu što je bilo od metala zbog velikog saliniteta u vazduhu koji je izazivao koroziju i brzo propadanje. Plastični bicikl je bio idealan za njihove uslove, ali zbog kvaliteta , veliki broj bicikla je uništen. Ima ih jako malo u svetu u kompletnom stanju i mi smo imali sreće da nabavimo jedan perfektni primerak. Ovaj prelepi bicikl besprekornog dizajna je postao poznat kao ” Najgori bicikl svih vremena” i zauzeo svoje mesto u istoriji razvoja biciklizma !
* This bike is one of the rarest models this museum has! It is the famous ITERA, a project by Swedish designers. This bicycle is an experiment, an attempt by the design team from the VOLVO company during the second half of the 70s of the last century to invent the production of a bicycle that would be completely made of composite plastic, by the process of injection molding plastic using an injection module. mold. It was produced from the 1980s until the first half of 1983 when production stopped due to poor quality and frequent breakages. About 30,000 bicycles left after the production was stopped were sold to the Caribbean, whose climate was very harsh on everything made of metal due to the high salinity in the air, which caused corrosion and rapid decay. The plastic bicycle was ideal for their conditions, but due to the quality, a large number of bicycles were destroyed. There are very few of them in the world in complete condition and we were lucky to get one perfect copy. This beautiful bike of impeccable design became known as the “Worst Bike of All Time” and took its place in the history of cycling development!