Model: Hanseatic Bonanzarad
Made in: Germany
Year: 1970s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Ovaj prelepi model je restaurirani high raiser Hanseatic Bonanzarad bicikl. Kao što smo i pre navodili , Bonanza serija bicikala je serija koja je nastala u Nemačkoj po ugledu na čuvene High Raiser bicikle proizvedene u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj serija je u Nemačkoj stekla status ikone pop kulture 80ih godina. Veliki broj ljudi čini zajednicu zaljubljenika ovih zabavnih modela bicikala. Jedan od tih modela je i Hanseatic, sličnog dizajna kao što su Alpina, Europa, Radiant , montana i mnogih drugih!
* This beautiful model is a restored high raiser Hanseatic Bonanzarad bike. As we mentioned before, the Bonanza series of bicycles is a series that originated in Germany after the famous High Raiser bicycles produced in the United States. This series gained the status of a pop culture icon in Germany in the ’80s. A large number of people make up the community of fans of these fun bike models. One of these models is the Hanseatic, similar in design to Alpina, Europa, Radiant, Montana, and many others!