Model: ITM Chopper bike
Made in: Italy
Year: 1972
Frame: Steel
Concept: Ghostbusters Ectocycle – 1AH
Author: Marko Stamatović
Ovaj bicikl je bio naš omaž fantastičnoj franšizi uz koju smo odrastali i ostali verni tokom svih ovih godina , U pitanju je naravno Ghostbusters i neponovljivi Ecto -1. Pošto je novi film ” Ghostbusters – Afterlife ” bio najavljen kao novi nastavak omiljene franšize i to sa originalnom postavkom rešili smo da uradimo nešto što će obeležiti taj događaj. I naravno u pitanju je bio Ectocycle bicikl. Za njegovu izradu je iskorišćen ITM bicikl iz davne 1972. godine dok je većina ostalih delova i detalja rađena ručno i posebno samo za ovaj unikatni model. Svi detalji su radjeni po ugledu na čuveni 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Futura Duplex , korišćenog za filmski Ecto -1.
* This bike was our homage to the fantastic franchise with which we grew up and remained faithful all these years. It is of course Ghostbusters and the famous Ecto -1. Since the new movie “Ghostbusters – Afterlife” was announced as a new sequel to the favorite franchise, and with the original crew, we decided to do something that will mark that event. And of course, it was the Ectocycle bike. The ITM bicycle from 1972 was used for its production, while most of the other parts and details were made by hand and especially only for this unique model. All details are made after the famous 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Futura Duplex, used for the film Ecto -1.