Model: FBP Offroad
Made in: Yugoslavia ( Subotica, Serbia)
Year: 1980s
Frame: Steel
Wheel Size: 20″
Pored neprikosnovenih Ponija i BMX-a, drugi dvotočkaši koji su obilježili djetinjstvo generacije iz 80-ih, nosili su oznaku FBP – Fabrika Bicikla Partizan.
Fabrika je bila smještena u Subotici, a po vlasničkoj strukturi je bila dioničko društvo.
Proizvodila je i mopede (Puchov Pony Express), dijelove za bicikle i druge metalne proizvode.Osnovana je 1888. godine i prvobitno je nosila naziv Zmajevac. Ovaj bicikl je jedan od najpopularniji modela medju mladjom populacijom i često predmet obožavanja medju siromašnijim klincima koji nisu mogli da ga priušte.
* In addition to the beloved Ponies and BMXs, other two-wheelers that marked the childhood of the generation from the ’80s in Yugoslavia bore the label FBP – Partizan Bicycle Factory. The factory was located in Subotica, and according to the ownership structure, it was a joint-stock company. It also produced mopeds (Puch’s Pony Express), bicycle parts, and other metal products. It was founded in 1888 and was originally called Zmajevac. This bike is one of the most popular models among the younger population and is often the object of adoration among less fortunate kids who could not afford it.