Model: Arasprint 5 speeder
Made in: France
Year: 1980s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Nazvan po sazvežđu Južne hemisfere Ara, Tour of Ara je bila trka na čeličnim trkačkim biciklima izgrađenim u Južnoj Africi pre 1999. godine, u ponosnoj tradiciji ranih italijanskih višednevnih etapnih trka. Održana između 2014. i 2018. godine, šestodnevna turneja pratila je tešku put neravnim putem kroz prelepu, ali surovu polu pustinju južnoafričke regije Karoo. Bila je to trka koliko i istraživanje i proslava ovog jedinstvenog i retko naseljenog pejzaža i ljudi koji tamo žive. Ovaj prelepi mali drumaš je napravljen u stilu čuvenih trkačkih bicikala koji su se trkali na Tour of Ara, samo u verziji veličine točkova od 20 cola. Iako malih gabarita u srži i dalje jedan surovi i brzi profesionalac! 🙂
* Named after the Southern Hemisphere constellation of Ara, the Tour of Ara was a race ridden on pre-1999 South African-built steel racing bicycles in the proud tradition of the early Italian multi-day stage races. Held between 2014 and 2018, the six-day Tour followed a tough dirt-road route through the beautiful but harsh semi-desert of South Africa’s Karoo region. It was as much a race as it was an exploration and celebration of this unique and sparsely populated landscape and the people that live there. This beautiful little road bike is made in the style of the famous racing bikes that were on the Tour of Ara, only in a version with a wheel size of 20-inch. Although small in size, at the core he is still a stern and fast pro bike! 🙂