Model: Plush dolls
Company: Warner Bross
Year: 1986 – 1990
Materials: Plastic, plush & Rubber
Size: Various sizes
Type: dolls
ALF je američki televizijski sitkom koji se emitovao na NBC-u od 22. septembra 1986. do 24. marta 1990. godine.
Naslovni lik, nazvan ALF (akronim za “Alien Life Form”), ali čije je pravo ime Gordon Šamvej, sleteo je u garaži porodice Taner iz srednje klase u predgrađu. U seriji glume Maks Rajt kao otac Vili Taner, En Šedin kao majka Kejt Taner i Andrea Elson i Benji Gregori kao njihova deca, Lin i Brajan Taner. ALF je izveo lutkar Pol Fusko, koji je zajedno sa Tomom Patčetom kreirao predstavu. Međutim, u scenama u kojima se lik pojavljuje u punom telu, nakratko je korišćen mali kostimirani glumac (tada u toj ulozi nekreditovan), Miču Mesaroš, rođen u Mađarskoj.
U produkciji Alien Productions, ALF je trajao četiri sezone i producirao 99 epizoda, uključujući tri jednosatne epizode („Pokušaj da se setiš“, „ALF-ov specijalni Božić“ i „Večeras, večeras“) koje su podeljene na dva dela radi objavljivanja, ukupno 102 epizode. Serija se završila nerešenim izazovom, ali je kasniji TV film, Projekat: ALF, poslužio kao finale serije za franšizu.
U avgustu 2018, Varner Bros. Television je najavila razvoj ALF ponovnog pokretanja. Ovi planovi su otkazani u novembru te godine. U februaru 2022. objavljeno je da Shout! Fabrika je stekla prava na distribuciju ALF naslova i „razvijala bi nove sadržaje u vezi sa ALF-om“.
ALF is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990.
The title character, called ALF (an acronym for “Alien Life Form”) but whose real name is Gordon Shumway, crash-lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family. The series stars Max Wright as father Willie Tanner, Anne Schedeen as mother Kate Tanner and Andrea Elson and Benji Gregory as their children, Lynn and Brian Tanner. ALF was performed by puppeteer Paul Fusco, who co-created the show with Tom Patchett. However, in the scenes in which the character appeared in full body, a small costumed actor was briefly used (then uncredited in that role), the Hungarian-born Michu Meszaros.
Produced by Alien Productions, ALF ran for four seasons and produced 99 episodes, including three one-hour episodes (“Try to Remember”, “ALF’s Special Christmas” and “Tonight, Tonight”) that were divided into two parts for syndication, totaling 102 episodes. The series proper concluded with an unresolved cliffhanger, but a later TV movie, Project: ALF, served as a series finale for the franchise.
In August 2018, Warner Bros. Television announced development of an ALF reboot. These plans were cancelled in November of that year. In February 2022, it was announced that Shout! Factory had acquired distribution rights to the ALF titles, and would “develop new ALF-related content.