Gallery: PAROBROD, UK Stari Grad
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Date: 02.-21.April 2021.
U Aprilu mesecu 2021. godine, Muzej bicikala i pop kulture ” 20 Cola” se po prvi put i zvanično predstavio srpskoj publici i to sa jako uspešnom izložbom u galeriji ” Parobrod”, jednoj od najpoznatijih beogradskih galerija. Ovom izložbom se Muzej ” 20 Cola” predstavio u najboljem svetlu, doduše sa samo jednim malim delom svojih kolekcija . U prostorijama Parobroda je bilo izloženo preko 70 eksponata, od toga preko 30 različitih modela bicikala i drugih vozila na pedale iz perioda izmedju 1940-te i 1990-te godine. Publici pored bicikala, su bili predstavljeni i neki od eksponata vezanih za pop kulturu druge polovine 20. veka kao što su stare konzole video igara, retro računari i igračke…
Ono što nas je najviše obradovalo jeste jako velika poseta, čak i pored ograničenja vezanih za Covid-19 pandemiju, po rečima zvaničnika “Parobrod” galerije, izložbu je posetilo preko 5000 posetilaca u toku 19 dana trajanja izložbe. Jako veliki kompliment je bio i konstatacija da je ovo bila jedna od najposećenijih izložbi 2021. godine i jedna od najposećenijih uopšte u galeriji “Parobrod”. To je potvrda da ono čime se bavi ovaj mali muzej ima svoju publiku i da smo na pravom putu.
In April 2021, the Museum of Bicycles and Pop Culture “20 Cola” officially presented itself to the Serbian public for the first time, with a very successful exhibition at the “Parobrod” gallery, one of the most famous Belgrade galleries. With this exhibition, the “20 Inch” Museum presented itself in the best light, albeit with only a small part of its collections. Over 70 items were exhibited in the premises of “Parobrod” gallery, of which over 30 different models of bicycles and other pedal vehicles from the period between 1940 and 1990. In addition to bicycles, the audience was introduced to some of the items related to the pop culture of the second half of the 20th century, such as old video game consoles, retro computers, and toys…
What made us most happy was such a great visit, even despite the restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the officials of the “Parobrod” gallery, the exhibition was visited by over 5,000 visitors during the 19 days of the exhibition. A very big compliment was the statement that this was one of the most visited exhibitions in 2021 and one of the most visited in general in the “Parobrod” gallery. That was a solid confirmation that our little museum is on the right path! 🙂