Model: Pingvin
Made in: USSR
Year: 1960s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 12″ 1/2
Predstavljamo jako lepo očuvani dečiji bicikl ПИНГВИН, ruske proizvodnje.
Ovaj bicikl je jedan od modela koji su bili u masovnoj upotrebi na teritoriji stare Jugoslavije krajem 50ih i početkom 60ih godina prošlog veka. Pored modela Veterok ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih modela ruskog proizvođača bicikala iz Minska koji su se našli u prodaji širom ovog regiona.
* We present a very nicely preserved children’s bicycle PENGUIN, made in Russia.
This bicycle is one of the models that were in mass use on the territory of the old Yugoslavia in the late 50s and early 60s of the last century. In addition to the Veterok model, this is one of the most famous models of the Russian bicycle manufacturer from Minsk, which are on sale throughout this region.
This bicycle is one of the models that were in mass use on the territory of the old Yugoslavia in the late 50s and early 60s of the last century. In addition to the Veterok model, this is one of the most famous models of the Russian bicycle manufacturer from Minsk, which are on sale throughout this region.