Model: Various video game consoles
Company: Nintendo, Sega, Atari, XBOX, Sony Playstation, etc
Year: 1964 until the present day
Type: TV Game systems
Neki od nas su odrasli igrajući Duck Hunt na Nintendu, dok su drugi živeli u danima koji slave XBOX generacije, uživajući u sve naprednijm tehnologijama. Suludo je koliko su se igračke konzole promenile tokom vremena. U poslednjih nekoliko decenija bukvalno je objavljeno na desetine različitih konzola. Odlučili smo da napravimo hronologiju istorije konzola video igara samo za vas da bi se upoznali sa ovom nezamenljivom granom pop kulture koja nije zaobišla ni ove krajeve. Dopustite nam da vas upoznamo sa konzolama od PONG igara do najmodernijih playstation igračkih sistema koji su pratili odrastanja mnogih generacija mladih.
* Some of us grew up playing Duck Hunt on Nintendo, while others lived in the days celebrating the XBOX generation, enjoying all the advanced technologies. It’s insane how much game consoles have changed over time. In the last few decades, it has been literally published on ten different consoles. We decided to make a chronology of the history of video game consoles just for you to get acquainted with this irreplaceable branch of pop culture that has not missed this region either. Let us introduce you to consoles from PONG games to the most modern PlayStation gaming systems that have followed the growing up of many generations of young people.