Model: Raleigh Chopper ” Tomahawk”
Made in: England
Year: 1977
Frame: Steel
Wheel size : Front 11″, rear 16″
Raleigh Chopper doneo je stil Easi Rider-a na ulicama Britanije 1970-ih. Brzo je zauzelo tržište omladinskih bicikala u Velikoj Britaniji i spasilo Raleigh-a od finansijske katastrofe. Chopper je bio drugačiji bicikl za mlade i bio je prvi izbor za božićni poklon, ali stručnjaci su se brinuli o sigurnosti. Iznenadila ga je pomama za BMKS-om iz 1980-ih. Tomahavk se pojavio 1971. Bilo je za decu uzrasta od šest do devet godina. Izgledao je kao mini verzija Čopera. Tomahavk je imao 11-inčni prednji i 16-inčni zadnji točak. Imao je iste Hi-Rise ručke i podstavljeno ” banana “sedlo . Ali nije imao menjač brzine Sturmei Archer 3.
* The Raleigh Chopper brought the style of Easy Rider to the backstreets of Britain in the 1970s. It took the UK youth bike market by storm and saved Raleigh from financial disaster. The Chopper was a different bike for young people and it was the first choice as a Christmas present, but experts had safety concerns. The 1980s’ BMX craze killed it off. The Tomahawk came along in 1971.
It was for children in the six to nine age group. It looked like a mini version of the Chopper. The Tomahawk had an 11-inch front wheel and a 16-inch rear wheel. It had the same Hi-Rise handlebars and padded saddle as the Chopper. But it did not have the Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub.