Model: FBP Three speeder
Made in: Yugoslavia ( Serbia)
Year: 1970s
Frame: Steel
Wheel size: 20″
Industrija motocikla u Subotici nije imala visoke domete. FB Partizan je proizvodio model M- 50, sklapao se tamo i Solex. Subotički čoper izašao je iz iste fabrike ali to nije bio motocikl već bicikl. Nisu ga, kao što je to obavezno bivalo, konstruisali napredni Slovenci, već je ovaj rokerski bicikl sišao sa fabričke trake subotičkog “Partizana” i osvojio celu Jugoslaviju. Naravno, onu dečačku populaciju kojoj je bio namenjen. Od kada je počeo da se proizvodi 1973. godine, pa sve do kraja osamdesetih, u klinačkim snovima ovaj model je zauzimao visoko mesto. „Trobrzinka“ je imala AMORTIZERE, zatim izduženo „banana“ sedište i široki korman, baš kao nabudženi čoperi. Iako ne toliko bezbedan za vožnju sa očiglednim greškama u dizajnu i dalje jeste i ostaće jedan od najomiljenijih bicikala sa ovih prostora!
* The motorcycle industry in Subotica did not have high achievements. FB Partizan produced the M-50 model, and Solex was also assembled there. The chopper from Subotica came out of the same factory, but it was not a motorcycle but a bicycle. It was not, as it used to be, constructed by advanced Slovenes, but this rocker bicycle came off the factory strip of Subotica’s “Partizan” and conquered the whole of Yugoslavia. Of course, the boy population for which it was intended. From the time it started to be produced in 1973, until the end of the eighties, this model occupied a high place in kids’ dreams. The “three-speed” had SHOCK ABSORBERS, then an elongated “banana” seat and a wide handlebar, just like muscle chopper bikes. Although not so safe to ride with obvious design flaws, it still is and will remain one of the most popular bikes in this region!